Hero Skill Problems Using Maintained Enchantment
I have been using heroes to go through the pve sections of the game and found some problems while using signets and maintained enchanment spells.
For example I am trying to use healer's covenant on my healing hero, to have some energy efficiency for his healing spells. I placed healer's covenant as the left most skill to give it more priority, but noticed that the hero never either actually uses it, or he would use it and cancel the enchantment. Even if i override the ai prioritation and click on the spell to cast it myself, the ai automatically take the enchantment off.
The same goes for life bond skill. The ai randomly cast it on people and keep turning it off and on, while I actually want it to stay put.
I have also been having trouble with signets too. The heroes never actually uses some of the signets.
The question I have is, has anyone found a way around this problem, or offer a solution that could work.